I’ve ran some more tests. Same setup as previously using 100 samples in the optimization with various learning rate values.
Evolution of mean objective value for 2D Rastrigin function optimization. Rastrigin function is shited so that the min is at [pi,pi] and the optimization is bounded to [0,2*pi]x[0,2*pi] with various learning rate values (eta)
Left: using 100 samples Right: using 1000 samples.
Single: using 100 samples
eta = 0.3
eta = 0.6
eta = 0.9
eta = 1.2
eta = 1.5
eta = 1.8
eta = 2.1
eta = 2.4
eta = 2.7
eta = 3
eta = 3.3
eta = 3.6
eta = 3.9
eta = 4.2
eta = 4.5
eta = 4.8
eta = 5.1
eta = 5.4
eta = 5.7
eta = 6
I did a comparison of the Mardia rejection sampling algorithm for the sine model of the bivariate von Mises and the trivariate von Mises distributions and the Gibbs sampling algorithm for my extension of the multivariate von Mises distribution in the case when the distribution coincide.
Left: Mardia rejection sampling algorithm. Right: Gibbs sampling algorithm.
Bivariate von Mises
Trivariate von Mises
TVM(0,0,10*[0 -1 1;-1 0 1;1 1 0])
projection along z axis
projection along y axis
projection along x axis
Algorithm: Some computational aspects of the generalized von Mises distribution
100000 samples generated for every value of parameters.
The red line is the generalized von Mises density function.
mu_1 = 4.5, mu_2 = 1, kappa_1 = 0.8, kappa_2 = 2
mu_1 = 2, mu_2 = 1, kappa_1 = 3, kappa_2 = 0
mu_1 = 2, mu_2 = 1, kappa_1 = 0 kappa_2 =3
mu_1 = 2, mu_2 = 1, kappa_1 = 0 kappa_2 =0
Slides: AI3SDpresentation.pdf
I started with plane group packings of heptagons. The heptagons are not precisely regular as I used a simple construction method. That is I placed points on a unit circle with the angle difference of 2*pi/7.
For every space group 100 experiments were performed with random initial configurations. The way the algorithm works now is that it doesn’t need feasible initial configuration.
The best know packing of heptagons is 0.892690686126509 which is also believed to be optimal. Same double lattice packing as withe pentagons. https://blogs.ams.org/visualinsight/2014/11/15/packing-regular-heptagons/
Max density: 0.892607642589804
Mean density: 0.8425
Density variance: 0.0015
Number of infeasible solutions: 0
Max density: 0.8414
Mean density: 0.7251
Density variance: 0.0033
Number of infeasible solutions: 0
Max density: 0.7365
Mean density: 0.5760
Density variance: 0.0125
Number of infeasible solutions: 0
Max density: 0.8238
Mean density: 0.6826
Density variance: 0.0097
Number of infeasible solutions: 0
Max density: 0.892690618215488
Mean density: 0.8643
Density variance: 6.5725e-04
Number of infeasible solutions: 0
Max density: 0.7390
Mean density: 0.5719
Density variance: 0.0040
Number of infeasible solutions: 0
Max density: 0.5718
Mean density: 0.5377
Density variance: 0.0022
Number of infeasible solutions: 0
For every constraint handling method 100 optimization procedures were performed with random initial configurations. The proved optimal packing density is (5-sqrt(5))/3 ~ 0.921310674166737
I used the penalty function from this paper: An efficient constraint handling method for genetic algorithms
The closest the algorithm got to the optimum was 0.921310674166735 in 2 instances with the constraint violation of 1.110223024625157e-16. This is also the minimum constraint violation achieved in 100 runs. This same value of constraint violation had 53 other instances with mean 0.921310674166652 and variance 2.276453802275327e-25.
The overall mean density from the 100 runs was 0.8926 and variance 0.0061.
In 99 instances the output solution violated constrains. In these cases the mean of constraint violation was 0.002671273212076 and variance 1.732259359382852e-04.
I’ve tested the dynamic penalty function from: A survey of constraint handling techniques used with evolutionary algorithms
In 100 experiments all of the output solution violated the constraints. the minimum constrain violation in these 100 instances was 0.8888 and mean constraint violation 1.5547. This is very bad.
An interesting observation is that when I replaced the values of the objective function with the maximum of feasible solutions (as in Penalty function based on feasibility) in the penalty function the algorithm suddenly performed very well.
Same case as with dynamic penalty.
Not really good. Gets stuck in configurations where it can’t find any feasible samples very quickly.
Very slow and not very precise due to the way the repairing is implemented. That is by multiplying the unit cell by a small constant c>1 until there is no overlap.
I’ve implemented the augmented lagrangian method for the xNES from this paper: Augmented Lagrangian Genetic Algorithm for Structural Optimization
Same as in the case of dynamic penalties. All of the 100 experiments outpu solutions violated the constraints. The mean constraint violation was 1.0899 with variance 0.0020. Not useful at all.
In 45 cases the algorithms output solution’s nonlinear constrains were distanced from zero less then 1.110223024625157e-16. Out of these 32 were unfeasible. From the feasible solutions the maximum density was 0.921310674166734 and the constraint violation of 0. Below is a picture of this solution.
The mean density of these 45 cases was 0.9205 and variance 2.0456e-05. Overall the mean density was 0.8777 and variance 0.0107. In 79 cases the constraints were violated. with mean constraint violation of 0.0017 and variance 6.7180e-05.
Slides: CMOpresentation.pdf
First experiments with packing pentagons using plane groups. Genetic algorithm was used to optimize the packing density. It seems that the optimal packing density is approx. 0.92 ( Packings of Regular Pentagons in the Plane ).
Density: 0.8550
Density: 0.6798
Density: 0.8879
Density: 0.7450
Density: 0.6930
Density: 0.8539
Density: 0.9104
Density: 0.6908
Density: 0.8423
Density: 0.5406
Density: 0.6957
Density: 0.8578
Density: 0.5236
Density: 0.6980
Density: 0.7290
Density: 0.4914
Slides: miloPresentation.pdf