Reducing output matrix according to mean TE

The procedure for choosing output weights. First the training reservoir signals were collected and TE matrix was computed based on these signals. Next the mean TE of target unit was computed and only those units where chosen for output matrix computations which mean TE was higher then some Threshold. The threshold went from the minimum mean target TE to the maximum mean target TE in 100 steps. This was repeated 100 times. The network settings were same as in the IJCNN article for comparability reasons.




80: Sigma, Tau & Rho exploration

I have added spectral radius scaling of reservoir matrix to desired value \rho along \sigma and \tau parameters in W \sim N(0,\sigma^2) and W^{in} \sim Unif(-\tau,\tau) to the exploration. 100 neuron reservoir was used and 100 instances for every pair (\tau, \sigma) were generated.

The Z values are mean NRMSE from 100 instances.



NARMA without unscaled

Mackey – Glass


Mackey-Glass unscaled


Lorenz unscaled

Minimum achieved mean:
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