“Great Love, Great Compassion, the Great Bodhisattva Way.“
For over 12 years I have been a member and since 2018 a Senior Dharma Teacher in the international Kwan Um School of Zen. I have participated in up to 3 months long retreats in Musangsa South Korea, Diamond Hill Zen Monastery Rhode Island, Wu Bong Sa Poland and other zen centers around Europe.
2016 Winter Kyol Che at Diamond Hill Zen Monastery participants
“Allow lightness and balance to be your guide.”
– Gregor Maehle
I’m a passionate Ashtanga Yoga enthusiast.
I took part in Hypnosis course for physicians and clinical psychologists in Psychiatric hospital in Kromeriz under the supervision of Prof. PhDr. Stanislav Kratochvíl, CSc.
2007 hypnosis course graduates