Publications / Presentations


Manuscripts published

M. Torda, J. Y. Goulermas, R. Púček, V. Kurlin,  Entropic trust region for densest crystallographic symmetry group packings, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2023. arXiv e-print: arXiv:2202.11959.

M. Torda, J. Y. Goulermas, V. Kurlin, G. M. Day, Densest plane group packings of regular polygons, Physical Review E, 2022. arXiv e-print: arXiv:2207.08959

Conference proceedings

M. Torda, I. Farkaš: Evaluation of information-theoretic measures in echo state networks on the edge of stability. 2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 8-13 July 2018. | Link

Manuscripts in Preparation

M. Torda, R. Púček, A Proof of Molecular Crystallization in Two Dimensions (In preparation for submission to Communications in Mathematical Physics).


Invited Talks


Geometric Perspectives on the Crystallization of Molecular Crystals: Crystallographic Symmetry Group Packings, Uniform Tessellations, and Molecular Frameworks
Selected Topics in Mathematics Seminar (Online), November 29

Geometry-Informed Programming: From Statistical Manifolds to Hard Packings of van der Waals Models
Crystal Engineering (Gordon Research Seminar), Maine, USA, June 22-23

Panel Discussion: Barriers to adoption of AI in the materials value chain (Panelist)
Materials Research Exchange 2024 – Materials & AI Sessions, Business Design Centre, London, UK, April 23


Maximally Dense Crystallographic Symmetry Group Packings through Entropic Trust Region: An Information Geometric Perspective
CaLISTA Kick-off meeting, University of Bologna, Italy, June 5-9

Symmetries of maximally dense plane group packings of regular convex polygons
Oberseminar Algebra, University of Jena, Germany, May 23


Dense periodic packings in the light of crystal structure prediction
Soft Packings, Nested Clusters and Condensed Matter, Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery, Casa Matemática Oaxaca, Mexico, September 29 – October 4

Contributed Talks


Geometry of the n-torus stochastic trust region method for materials discovery
The British Mathematical Colloquium (BMC) and the British Applied Mathematics Colloquium (BAMC) (Online), University of Glasgow, UK April 6-9


Dense periodic packings in the light of crystal structure prediction
AI3SD Network+ Conference, Holiday Inn Winchester & Winchester Science Centre, UK, November 18-19

On-Campus Talks


Tutorial: Geometry-Informed Machine Learning for Materials Science
Winter School on Robotics and AI for Materials Discovery, Centre for Doctoral Training in Digital and Automated Materials Chemistry, University of Liverpool, UK, December 2-6

Geometric Modeling in the Prediction of Molecular Crystal Structures: The Close-Packing Principle Revisited
MIF++ seminar (Online), October 7

Geometry Informed Optimization for Targeted Material Design: From Statistical Manifolds to Crystalline Frameworks
PDRA – DS Seminar series, Centre for Doctoral Training in Distributed Algorithms, University of Liverpool, UK, May 9


Maximally Dense Crystallographic Symmetry Group Packings through Entropic Trust Region: An Information Geometric Perspective
Theory Cluster Meeting, Brunner Lecture theater, University of Liverpool, UK, October 12
Applied Geometry and Topology network meeting, Materials Innovation Factory, University of Liverpool, UK, September 21

Symmetries of maximally dense plane group packings of regular convex polygons
Mathematics and Computer Science for Materials Innovation 2023 (MACSMIN), Materials Innovation Factory, University of Liverpool, UK, May 22-26

Poster Sessions


Geometric Modeling in the Prediction of Molecular Crystal Structures: The Close-Packing Principle Revisited
Leverhulme Research Centre for Functional Materials Design 3rd Biennial Symposium, Anfield Stadium, Liverpool, UK, November 12-14

Towards Efficient Ground State Prediction of Organic Molecular Systems via Integration of Geometric Inductive Biases
CaLISTA Workshop Geometry-Informed Machine Learning, Mines Paris, France, September 2-5

Geometry-Informed Programming: From Statistical Manifolds to Hard Packings of van der Waals Models
Crystal Engineering (Gordon Research Conference), Maine, USA, June 23–27


Geometry of the Entropic Trust Region for Maximally Dense Crystallographic Symmetry Group Packings
Geometric Science of Information (GSI’23), Le Grand Large, Palais des Congrès, Saint Malo, France, August 30 – September 1


Geometry of the n-torus entropic trust region packing algorithm
Conference on the Mathematics of Complex Data, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, June 13-16

Conference Attendance


Training school on Cartan Geometry
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, September 4-8